30 Day Free Trial
We provide a completely free, no obligation, 30 day trial that allows you to create your own church app, customize it (upload sermons, update calendar, newsletter, and more) using the admin panel. Then install the app on your phone and/or tablet. Encourage your members to do the same and start engaging with your congregation in your custom app.
When you're completely satisfied with your app, you can activate your account to ensure it's available after the initial 30 days. We also offer the option (for a $299 fee) to publish your own church branded app in the app stores with your church's name, logo, icon, your own app description, etc.
Easy As 1-2-3
Create a free trial here
(No credit card or obligation required)
Login to your admin panel & begin to customize your app
(We'll send you an email with a link to your admin panel)
Download & install the app on your phone or tablet
(And encourage your members to do likewise!)